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Happy New Year!!!

Here we are... 2018 is here.  Yay?!?

Let the weather rant begin...  Ok, so I live in Dallas for a reason.  It's not surprise, but I'm not a fan of the cold... at all!  I live in Dallas where the summers are brutal, and we usually measure how hot it is by how many days in a row it's over 100 degrees.  An odd challenge, but we usually start getting excited and want to be the record as the summer progresses.  Needless to say... there's no excitement when the temps get into the teens... especially from me.

New Year's resolutions... Hmmm... will I complete them?  Will I even try??  Let's just see...

1. Finish a "century ride"... yes, 100 miles... on a bicycle... and no, I'm not insane.  Runners strive to hit that marathon goal.  For cyclists, it's the century ride.  I'll be training and hopefully ready to ride in the Hotter than Hell 100 in August.  I think I need to start hydrating now!

2. Leave and empty sink before I go to bed each night.  Holy hell... the family as a whole has gotten into the bad habit of waiting to do the dishes... and waiting... and waiting.  You know it's bad when you have to do dishes in stages, because everything won't fit in the dishwasher at once.  Been there more than once...

3. Try to keep the house picked up.  Ok, I'm not going to go all out and try to say to keep it clean.  Ha-ha!  Let's make a resolution I have a half-assed chance of keeping.  If I can just keep the "public areas" of the house picked up so I'm not ashamed to have anyone stop by... I think I've completed this task.  I'll let the Roomba do it's job and perhaps clean every once in a while.

4. Give more...  Ah-ha!!!  Yes!!!  A nice generic one!  I can keep this one.  Give more what, you ask?  Whatever I can, I guess.  Give more financially... when I can... to those in need.  Give more emotionally... once again... when I can... to those who need.  Give more physically... wait... See #1, if I do that, I'm pretty sure I've given enough in that area.  Give more fatherly... Ha-Ha!!!  Ok, just kidding there.  I give there plenty already... they should be thankful with what they have, but of course, they ask for more.

5. Be patient...  So, I try to do this already.  It sure is hard sometimes when I scroll through the Facebook posts and wish I could reach through the screen and strangle someone.  So much whining and fingerpointing.  I'm going to hold my tongue more... not start an online wars.  I mean, I know I'm not going to change some people's minds.  These days people just have very set opinions.  They're not willing to listen to reason, but would much rather argue.  I don't have the patience for this anymore... nor enough blood pressure medicine.

So, there's one more, but I'm not going to write it down as one that's "official".  Each year I start off telling myself that I'm going to blog... journal... whatever you call it.  Well, I guess I'll make that "commitment" again this year.  Let's just see how long it actually sticks?!?
